Country Living Magazine Christmas Fair

Today I’m writing with a little update about our big Christmas show in Harrogate - Country Living Christmas Fair. If you haven’t already seen it check out our reel over on Instagram for the highlights.
We are well and truly in the full swing of Christmas thanks to the five days we spent in Harrogate at the Country Living Christmas Fair. The Harrogate Convention Centre was twinkly and magical on the outside and warm and cheery on the inside. What a fantastic atmosphere!
It was our first show of this nature and boy did we enjoy it. We met so many people and heard so many stories. Thank you for coming to talk to us if that was you.
We had wonderful feedback on the quality of our baby clothes and gifts. People touched them and oooed. People stopped to look despite having no babies to buy for and have us a huge amount of compliments on the prints and the quality. It really felt wonderful taking our products and getting such direct feedback in person. I am so grateful for your kind words! One lady said they were ‘Classic elegance’ and I love that so much I will weave into our marketing.
We met wonderful small businesses who were friendly and welcoming and gave us plenty of advice for the future. I met other businesses wanting to stock our products too, what a compliment.
We took our entire range of baby clothes. The theme was perfect for Harrogate - countrywear for baby and toddler. Our Tattersall checked baby body suit was hugely popular as was our signature gun dog sleepsuit and tops. People loved the tractor items and the ponies and people seemed amazed to find a Land Rover on a sleepsuit.
By the end we were thoroughly exhausted. Preparing for, attending and clearing up after a show is pretty full on but we think it was worth it! If nothing else, we are definitely in the Christmas spirit now!